MITAL LAB - Generator of ideas "draw for us"
Competition for furniture designers

Art. 1 The aim of the initiative

MITAL, proposes a contest in order to detect and select the most innovative projects regarding knobs, handles, hooks, brackets and other accessories. The aim is therefore to encourage the conception of highly innovative new models.

Art. 2 Conditions for participation

Participants must provide the acceptance notice of the mentioned conditions. The contest is addressed to both Italian and foreigner designers, resident in Italy, freelancers or employees (in this case we ask for the authorization of the company), architects, architecture students and creative people in general. The participation of designers groups is also allowed. In this case, the team must appoint a team leader who will be the sole interlocutor with the MITAL company. The contest, according to the Presidential Decree of 26 October 2001 n. 430, it is organized exclusively for the presentation of industrial projects and no prizes are involved.

Art. 3 Conditions

Each participant can submit their proposals about one or several types of products listed in the Article. 1. Drawings must be sent by e-mail at as pdf, dwg, or igs files. The subject of the mail must be "Mital lab draws for us." MITAL srl will communicate the results within 60 days. from the mail receipt. If needed, selected projects may be requested of few modifications both in terms of technical and aesthetical points of view. Those projects who won’t be selected, will be returned.

Art. 4 Unpublished projects

Projects must always be unpublished, and developed specifically for this initiative. They may not have been previously protected through registration or patents. The participant assumes full responsibility of the submitted drawings, in relation to possible violations of patents and copyrights belonging to third parties. In this case the participant will undertake the expenses for his/her defense in court.

Art. 5 Reward

The reward reserved for each project selected, will be of € 300.00. The promoter specifies that he won’t be responsible for any reimbursement about the taxes or fees required by the law. A bank transfer will be made within 30 days from the delivery of the final files. No additional fees will be corresponded in addition to those mentioned above (no royalties, or fees of any other kind).

Art. 6 Know-how

With the payment of the prime, MITAL srl. entirely becomes the owner of the project. The company will then have the right to patent the projects and manage its intellectual property. The selection of a particular project does not oblige Mital srl. to proceed with its realization. MITAL Srl. reserves the right to publish the project in its catalogues, price lists, brochures or website along with the name of the designer.
Carlo Martin
1981 Reggimensole, Pomoli, Maniglie Treviso
Via Cherso, 21
31045 Motta di Livenza (TV)